Egg Donor Fees

Agency Fee: $9000
Donor compensation fee: $6500 – $10000
The escrow fee: $400
Psychological screening: $200 – $475
Genetic counselor: $300
Legal fees: $750 – $1,200
Egg donor cycle insurance: $400
Travel account deposit: $1500 – $3000
Travel service fee $185 (one hundred eighty-five) egg donor and companion x 2 trips – one for medical evaluation and the other for the egg retrieval ($370).

**This may be altered depending upon the location of the ED and clinic and the travel requirements of the clinic. If your donor is local to your clinic (e.g. donor and clinic are from Los Angeles), the total travel expenses would be much less. This does NOT include any medical/medication costs. This is an estimated cost sheet, some prices are provided by third party providers and may vary.
