Surrogate Benefit Package

1. Surrogate Base Compensation:    $45000+
2. Psychological &  Medical Screening compensation:   $500 -$800
3. Signing Bonus:  $4000
4. Milestone Bonus:  $500
5. Monthly Expense Allowance:     $4200

($350/month for 12 months)

6. Start of Medications Compensation:       $800.00
7. Embryo Transfer fee (per completed transfer procedure):  $1500.00
8. Dropped/Cancelled Cycle Fee or Mock Cycle Fee:    $600.00
9. Maternity Clothing Allowance:   $1000.00

($300 more for twins)

10. Invasive Procedure Inconvenience Fee: Varies

Amniocentesis (per stick) $500.00
D & C $500.00
D & E $750.00
Doula $1,000.00
Dropped cycle $600.00
Loss of tube $2,500.00
Loss of uterus $5,000.00
Lost wages  TBD
Mileage $0.55
Miscarriage $500.00
Mock cycle $600.00
Nutritionist $500.00
Pumping/week $250.00
Selective reduction $1,000.00
Termination $1,500.00
Twin pregnancy $5,000.00
C-Section $4,000.00
Hysterectomy (partial or full) $5000.00
11. Physician Recommended Cesarean Section:      $4,000.00
12. Multiple Births (per additional child carried):    $5,000.00
13. Surrogate Lost Wages: Varies
14. Physician Ordered: Bed Rest or Restricted Physical Activity:    Varies
15. Housekeeping and Childcare Allowance:        $900.00
16. Travel:       Varies
17. Supplying Breast Milk:  $250.00/per week
18. Term Life Insurance Policy Premium:        Up to $600 for life

insurance policy of $250,000

19. Medical Insurance:       Actual cost paid by

Intended Parents

20. Legal Representation:    Actual cost paid by

Intended Parents

Los Angeles surrogacy, surrogacy services California, Become a surrogate, Egg donation LA, New Journey surrogacy
Los Angeles surrogacy, surrogacy services California, Become a surrogate, Egg donation LA, New Journey surrogacy
Los Angeles surrogacy, surrogacy services California, Become a surrogate, Egg donation LA, New Journey surrogacy